The Son of The Wealthy Kogane Family, Sonjo.
And Mayumi's Younger Brother.
Sonjo is an inspired dancer from Netherworld Blood-lake School.
Unlike his older sister, He don't got any real friends... Their just friends with him cause he's rich... But despite Sonjo is rich, He is quite humble.
Sonjo tend to get bullied a lot by A Warhog-looking boy named Gene Perkinson.
Gene picks on the poor kid for money, and also secretly bi... and find Sonjo attractive...and when his boys isn't around... he tend to force Sonjo to dress up in girly outfits...
Whenever Mayumi, and His mother are out.. Mayumi called Rokku Daisuke to babysit him.
Sonjo sees him as a true friend, cause Rokku likes him for him, instead of his riches.
Everytime its christmas... He still waiting for his missing Dad to return one day...
Mayumi and Mrs. Kogane believe he could be dead, but do not want to tell Sonjo what they believe...
Fun Fact: He doesn't seem to mind dressing up like a girl. In fact, He likes wearing dresses sometimes.
Personality: Cheerful, Naive, Innocent, Flamboyant, Relaxed, Idealistic, Open-Minded, and Friendly.
First Name: Sonjo.
Middle Name: Menis
Family Name: Kogane.
Age: 13.
Like: Dancing, Doodling, Cheerleading, Having Friends, and Rokku Daisuke.
Love: His Family, Brad Grundel, and His Dance Teacher.
Dislike: Gene, Fake Friends, Getting spankings.
Hate: Getting Bullied, and Anyone saying awful things about his sister.
Fear: Disappointing people he looks up too, Bullies, Kaijus, Krakens, and Captain Duke McCain.
Hobbies: Dancing, and Drawing.
Sex: Male.
Height: 4'9
Height: 4'9
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual.
Race: Cyclops.
Birthday: October 16th.